Tuesday, July 22, 2008

アップルの製品移行/My thoughts on AAPL ER CC

COOのTim Cookは必要以上に、新しい製品を仄めかしていた。この新製品のお陰で、粗利益率が大幅に下がるというこどである。ライバルが追随出来ない様な製品と何度も強調していた。

それともMac Tablet?
それとも、MacBook Touch?

Macの粗利益率は高いので、シェア増大を目論んで大幅値下げをするのであろうか? その、新製品は7=9期に出る可能性がある。

One more thing.....この新製品紹介のイベントにSteve Jobsが出るのであれば、お願いだから, 10キロぐらい太って登場してほしい(今、癌再発の噂が飛び交っている)。

Apple's ER/Conference call last night was like "Chinese Water Torture".
Since the review was written in hundreds of articles, I am not going to talk about specific numbers.

I have come to a conclusion that I have to price in a new risk factor, the management's ability to manage the street.

AAPL's management totally disregards investors. Sand-bagging the guidance has become ridiculous. I understand that AAPL has to tame high expectations from the street. But they are now simply throwing $1 for next quarter or 30% gross margin for next year....just round numbers. It is their way of "not really giving guidance", however, the street will not take it as "another sand bagging" due to the current market health.

As for the statement like "SJ's health is a private matter", was too cold. They could have responded "the rumor is baseless", which would not have damaged SJ's ego if it is what Peter Oppenheimer was protecting. I am certain that this issue has been discussed at AAPL's legal team and personally, I am not concerned about SJ's health because I believe that the Company knows that it is a material matter. Shorts are smarter in many cases, I think they planned it on a very timely basis, and they bet that Peter O will not respond to satisfy investors. His communication skill clearly needs improvement.

Well..I found this, too...SJ's cancer has not returned according to the source.

Cutting the gross margin forecast was painful. However, if AAPL shifts its business model to cut Mac prices, HP and Dell will have to be concerned. Current 8.5% market share of AAPL...still enough room to grow. Long term, I am comfortable with AAPL's fundamentals.

Thoughts on the price action... It opened below $150 and ended at $162. I guess smart shorts ("SJ's health shorts", and "sand-bagging shorts") realized their trades were done and took profit quickly.

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