Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Red iPhone, MoBile Me, etc./ SEC

U2のボノとケネディ家の数人が主体となっている、Product Red(アフリカのエイズの為の基金)の新しい商品となる噂。

Mobile Meに関する不満が飛び交っている。MossbergとPogue(テック評論家の3賢人の2人でfanboyでもある)が、かなり手厳しい記事を書いた。発売当初のbugは少づつ改善されているようだ。私の知ってる人も、"on behave of Steve Jobs"ということでメールをもらい、アップルと直接連絡しながら対処している。

SEC has implied that it will expand banning naked short selling for entire stocks from the current 19 financial institutions, and reinstate revised version of the uptick rule which was removed in last August.

Just looking at recent action in AAPL was totally orchestrated by hedge funds helped by crooks like Henry Blodget. CNBC including Cramer and Fast Money is determined to keep SJ's health issue alive. Why this issue resurfaced on the ER day? I am still not happy the way Peter Oppenheimer handled this on the CC, however, at this point, I don't want AAPL to answer to this nonsense. I am confident that AAPL's legal team is working very hard to be prudent.

Yesterday, Charlie Rose had a segment on the iPhone 3G. Mossberg was one of the guests. It was 90% positive. Mossberg repeated things we already know. The battery life is the issue, however, all 3G phones have issues with battery life.

Here's the link.

It was interesting. Mossberg only carried the 1 gen iPhone in the past year. I guess he really likes it. However, his critisizm on MobileMe was pretty serious (came out this morning). I hope to see Apple responds to these initial issues with the iPhone 3G quickly.

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