Saturday, September 6, 2008

iPod Buzz

来週の火曜日、iPodのリフレッシュが発表される。既に、iPod nanoのスパイ・フォトが出回っている。

わたしは、これだけではないと思う。Tim Cookは、前期の決算報告で、画期的な新製品が出ると自慢げに話していた。ただ、この謎の新製品は粗利益率を大幅に下げるとも言っていた。

Joy of Tech

Based on the way Tim Cook sounded at the last ER about the new products coming up this quarter, I have not given up a huge surprise....

Now analysts are will be just an announcement of refreshed iPods and improved iTunes.  However, I just cannot get over how Tim Cook was excited about this, and he commented on this mysterious products was very odd.  AAPL is taking a huge risk of lowering its gross margins to push this new product....that does not sound like just routine/annual remodeling of the existing products....  On the other hand, the upcoming event has not been hyped, and expected to be underwhelming.  Am I the only one who is still waiting for a big surprise?

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