Fortune誌のScott Moritz(ただし、この記者今までガセが多かった)によると、iPhone 3Gの販売台数が300万台を突破。ただ、私の友達が集計しているIMEI番号によれば、400万台に近づいている。。
また、Wall Street Journalには、SJの短いインタビューの記事が載った。内容は、APP Storeに限られていたが、オープンから1ヶ月、6000万のアプリがダウンロ−ドされ、3000万ドルの売上げ計上。例えば、”Monkey Ball"は30万のダウンロ−ドがあった。この調子なら、1億ドルのビジネスになる日もそう遠くはないだろう。
2 huge news for AAPL today.
WSJ had an brief interview with SJ on the APP Store. SJ said 60 million apps had been downloaded and made 30 million in revenues. "This thing's going to crest a half a billion, soon," SJ told the journal adding that it may be a "$1 billion marketplace at some point in time."
Scott Moritz of Fortune reported that AAPL had sold 3 million iPhones. The source of this info came from Michael Cote of Cote Collaborative. "They are seeing unprecedented demand," says Cote, adding that there appears to be no signs of a let up yet. Cote, a former T-Mobile executive, has been extremely accurate with wireless predictions in the past. AAPL has not confirmed the figure.
SJ said their target was to sell 10 million iPhones in 2008.
They sold 2.4 million iPhones in the first half of 2008. They still have to sell 7.6 million.
Just meeting its target is not going to be enough for the street. 12 million would be a nice round number and probably easily done by the end of the year.
AAPL's recently regained momentum seems intact. It gained $4 today.
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