Monday, August 4, 2008

ダライ・ラマ/Dalai Lama-Think Different

週末にCNNで"Buddha's Warrior"と題し、最近チベットやミャンマーの僧が、今までの平和的解決に見切りを付け、プロアクティブになっている傾向をレポートした。


でも、武器はどうするの? 現実的に考えれば、今は自治と文化の保存が先決で、感情に流されてはいけないと訴える。彼も辛い立場だ。国際的な支援を受ける為には、このストラテジーしかないのだろう。中国の卑劣な少数民族弾圧は、チベットのみではない。イスラム教徒の多い、新僵ウイグル自治区では漢民族による弾圧に対し、”聖戦”を旗印に捨て身で攻撃に出ている一部の過激派が最近顕著である。中国は現状、迷信は異常に信じるが宗教は認めず、お金が神様。欧米でも中国製品をボイコットしている人も少なくない。



"Buddha's Warrior" was aired last weekend by CNN.   It was about Buddhist monks increasingly fed up with the current oppression by China and Myanmar.  

Some Tibetan monks and activists are not listening to Dalai Lama's peaceful solution any more.  Dalai Lama is a realist.  He is only seeking to obtain autonomy and freedom of religion for Tibet.   He said, "Chinese government is committing cultural genocide in Tibet' and he kind of giggled.  It was painful to see.  He is angry, but he knows anger and emotion will not solve the current brutal situation caused by China.  He understands why many Tibetans are getting inpatient...but he said "how do we get weapons?".  He does not want to see his people die any more (unofficially, 1/3 of Tibetans were killed).  He wants to preserve their ancient culture, and keep hope alive...he may get autonomy, which may lead to eventual Independence in the future.

We should not forget that it is not only Tibetans that are suffering from Chinese oppression.  Muslims constitute about 1.5% of Chinese population.  They are also severely oppressed by the government especially in East Turkestan.  However, they do not get attention because they are after all Muslims.  They do not have a leader like Dalai Lama, either.  

Many Americans and Europeans boycott Chinese products because of their human right issues.  I would like to participate in such, however, Apple products are assembled in China.   Can SJ tell Hon Hai to move the assembly facility to Vietnam or India?  Think Different, SJ.   After seeing China Mobile bulling AAPL, I am not enthused about Chinese using beautiful iPhones.  You can sell at least 12 million iPhones this year without China.  

Despite the good news, AAPL was down more than 2%.

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