Saturday, August 2, 2008

Obama was in Plant City yesterday

そう、オバマがうちから車で10分のPlant Cityのファーマーズ・マーケットに来たらしい。

Plant Cityは、アメリカの苺キャピタルと呼ばれている。報道陣に名物の苺シェイクを御馳走したそうだ。




アップルの話題。昨日iPhone 3Gを買った人のIMEI番号によると、どうやら260万台以上売れている可能性あり。大統領選とアップルといえば、マケインはMacとiPhone、オバマはMacとblackberryを愛用しているそうだ。

Obama was in Plant City

Obama was in Plant City, the strawberry capital of USA, only 10 min. drive from here.
He visited the local farmers' market (see the pictures above).

I am kicking myself for not going there. I am not an Obama supporter, but McCain has no chance for my support. I am comfortable with Obama's knowledge on foreign issues (after watching his interview with Fareed Zakaria), however, I feel that Obama is very weak on economy.

Since I have been actively sending mails to SEC, Senators, and Congressmen concerning Naked Short Selling, the Uptick Rule, and rogue hedge funds (spread baseless rumors, manipulation etc.), I could have wrote a nice letter to Obama on these issues and hand it to him. I know his biggest contributor is Goldman Sachs. I remember, the day he first commented on "oil speculators", the oil price started coming down I value Obama's intelligence and charisma, but he is still a politician working for his biggest contributors.

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