Friday, August 29, 2008

Let's Drop the Big One - アメリカのタカ派


アメリカのタカ派の中では、"Nuke them (nuke’emと発音する)"と言う連中がいる。イランが何か言うと、"Nuke’em"。日本人の私には、鳥肌が立つ様な話。核爆弾を風船みたいに気軽に口にする。こんな連中が、そこらにいるから困る。ど田舎のオッサンだけではない、テレビにでるタカ派の評論家、うちの近くのCENTCOM( アメリカ中央軍)に務める軍人や、銀行員、不動産屋のおばさん...日本に原爆を落としたのは、何百万人に及ぶ日本人や米軍人の命を守る為だったと真剣に信じているから、議論しても始まらない。こんな連中に限って、実際に戦場を経験してない事が多いらしい。ブッシュのお陰で、ヨーロッパではアメリカ人はこんな奴ばかりだと思われている。


ランディ・ニューマンのPolitical Science:


結局、この両極端の少数派のイデオロジーに引っ張られ問題解決が不可能。まさに漁夫の利のシナリオで、特をするのは産油国。犠牲になるのはSilent Majority, 大多数を占める中道派。

オバマの挑戦状 / iPhone coming to China



もし、オバマが当選すれば、最初にオバマを勝たせた白人が95%のアイオワ州がアメリカを変えたと言っても過言ではない。今まで人種が理由でオバマを支持しなかった連中に、あの演説を聞いてどんなインパクトがあっただろうか。昨日オバマが叩き付けた挑戦状は、共和党だけはなく、アメリカ人全体に対するものでもある。昨日はキング牧師が有名な"I have a dream"の演説が行われたのと同じ日であった。



It is speculated that China Mobile will subsidize the iPhones.
According to iPhoneAsia, Apple is building a TD-SCDMA handset for China. It is not quite the same as 3G network. As a result, China mobile will have to pre-purchase iPhones from Apple.
How soon? It is anticipated that it will not happen in 2008, but early 2009.

Here's the link for iPhone Asia's article:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ビル・クリントンのマジック/SJ is alive

夕べ、オバマが正式に大統領候補として指名された。メインイベントは何と言ってもビルの演説。私は思わず、”be my president again"と言ってしまった。ビルは演説で女性をうっとりさせる事が出来る、唯一の政治家。ミシェル・オバマもうっとりしていたのを目撃したのは、私だけではない。ビルの演説のマジックは、聞いている者(特にリベラルな女性)を、自分に話しかけているという錯覚に陥れる効果。教育の高い人も低い人も、包み込んでしまう魅力。ビルの演説は変な色気がある。彼の声とデリバリーには、何とも説明し難い癒しの効果があるからかも知れない。




Yes.....something really spooky happened around 4:30 pm (AH), AAPL started to go down rapidly. We could not find any reason why this was happening, and the Yahoo AAPL message board reported that Bloomberg published SJ's obituary by mistake, which was retracted immediately. It is speculated that the reporter was updating the pre-written obituary and published it accidentally. But...who knows this has been a very touchy issue since the WWDC in June.

Ahead of the September event, bears are itching to revive this issue. There was a article recently that someone saw SJ's car at a handicapped parking space, and said SJ's face looked healthy but he was very thin.  Watch out for Blodget coming back with a nasty article a couple days before the event.

It was so irresponsible of Bloomberg. It totally spooked us and triggered a quick sell off. I informed the IR of AAPL immediately, and some called SEC. Leave SJ alone already. I want to see SJ like this in September...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ヒラリーの演説 Pros and Cons

昨日のヒラリーの演説は、民社党側からはGrand Slamと見られている。ヒラリーの支持者が、マケインに流れたり、棄権する可能性があり、これだけの原因でマケインが勝つ可能性があるからである。

iReporters say Clinton speech a grand slam





Tuesday, August 26, 2008

民主党全国大会開幕 / New Apple Event on 9/9?


とはいえ、副大統領候補の指名の際ヒラリーを無視した事に対する不満も多く、”Party Unity My Ass"というグループがメディアによく取り上げられている。確かに、オバマとヒラリーは接戦だったし、重要な鍵を握る州ヒラリーが勝った。今回の大統領候補選は、オバマ対ヒラリーというより、民主党の長老(ケネディ家)対クリントン家だと思えて仕方が無い。ただ、ここで民主党がヒラリーを邪険にすれば、ヒラリーの支持者がマケインに投票しかねない。マケインが勝てば、4年後にヒラリーに新たなチャンスが巡ってくるからだ。漁父の利という事を回避する為にも、この大会がどう展開するか注目に値する。

New Apple Event on 9/9?
Rumors are building for the upcoming special event for new Apple products.
There is a rumor about the update for iPod Touch.  iPod nano, and 2.1 firmware over the next few weeks according to Kevin Rose, site architect for Digg and co-founder of Pownce.  In addition, signals are coming from resellers as they are running out of MacBooks.  In addition, there is a rumor that AAPL will start a subscription service on the iTunes.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Apple - a tree of knowledge

典型的な文系の私には、アップルを語る時、ビジネス・モデルや製品の社会い対するインパクト等が視点になってしまう。とはいえ、アップルの社会貢献という意味で、あまり語られないことがある。それは、iTune UやPodcastを媒体に、レベルの高い大学講義を配信しているということ。アメリカのトップ校は積極的に参加している。日本ではどうかというと、まだまだという感じ。同志社の小原教授が大学の授業を配信されているのを発見。私は、すっかりはまってしまった。





I am a big fan of AAPL’s effort to provide us with top quality educational materials via Podcasts and iTune U. I was looking for Japanese lectures in the iTunes Japanese page. I found Prof. Kohara who teaches religious studies at Doshisha U in Kyoto, one of the top schools in Japan, posting his entire lectures of the ongoing semester. As a matter of fact, he was featured in the Apple Japan home page. I was immensely impressed by his work and effort.

His lectures were very informative and motivated me to further research on my own. I also started reading his blog, and found his adorable story (an editorial carried on Kyoto Newspaper) about his iPhone buying experience.

Since the editorial so beautifully written, I had to translate it to share with my friends....

Forbidden Fruit – the iPhone Rhapsody
(Prof. Katsuhiro Kohara)

A “Forbidden Fruit” generally means a temptation that is hard to refuse. In any point of the history, there have been things that tempted our minds, knowing that we should refuse intellectually. As a matter of fact, the story that gave birth to this term appears in the beginning of the Old Testament, “The tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise (Book of Genesis 3-6)”. Such temptations have existed as “long” as human history existed.

Talking about “long”, it reminds me that 1500 people formed a long line in order to purchase the iPhone by Apple that went on sale last month. I was interested in the iPhone enough to stand on a line if I did not work on that day.

As I have podcasted my lectures to public via portable music players such as iPod, I am attracted to such a new high tech device, and I am also interested in its possibilities in new way of communication for education and research.

I visited handful of retail stores on the day the iPhone went on sale, however, I was only told “no definite date for next shipment”, or “no pre-order accepted”. I was highly disappointed, although I somewhat anticipated it. My desire to buy the iPhone had been diminishing as I saw overly hyped media coverage all over the world.

In fact, the iPhone was not a necessity since I had never had a cell phone. It was never my preference to allow a cell phone to take my freedom away. I had argued that the demerit arising from such IT devices like cell phones, therefore, an iPhone was a “forbidden fruit” for me. Coincidentally, Apple, Inc’s logo is a bitten apple.

I spent a couple of day calmly observing the excitement caused by the iPhone. When I went out shopping, I walked by a small cell phone shop and teasingly asked, “do you have an iPhone”. Unexpectedly, the sales person said, “sure, we have”. I was totally stunned. And I surrendered to the forbidden fruit after only a few second of inner struggle despite my stubborn conviction of not carrying a cell phone. It was like experiencing a repeat of “Paradise Lost”.

Human desires perpetually seek convenient technologies, and attractive tools and gadgets.

To conclude, I would like to talk about an apple. Martine Luther said, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” Not only by biting an apple, but also by planting apple trees continuously, humans pay the price for the benefit of having such privileges.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

ジョー・バイデン / Joe Biden, the coolest Senator


民主党の大統領候補選が始まった時、彼は私の#1ピックだった。彼は29才の若さで上院議員の当選、民主党中道派の大物,  外交委員会のリーダー。最近はグルジア視察もし、行動派でもある。政治オタクの私にとっては、彼は頻繁に政治番組に登場するし(コメディ系も含めて)、珍しく本音で話しが出来(失言もあったが)、ダイナミックな政治家というイメージがあった。ただ、バイデンは妙にクールで魅力的なおじさんでもある。肩に力が入ってないというか、effortlessというか。また、オバマとヒラリーの一騎打ちになった時も、どちらに付く事も無かった。彼なら、オバマの優等生的イメージをいい感じに中和してくれると思う。

追記:イリノイでの、オバマとバイデンの演説を聞いた。バイデンの役割がはっきり見えた。オバマの演説は, 相変わらずクリーンであった反面、バイデンは強烈なブッシュとマケイン批判を展開。コチラで言う、Good Cop/Bad Cop。バイデンは強力なアタック・ドッグの役割を果せると思う。

I have always thought that Biden is the coolest Senator.   He was my #1 pick but I knew he would run out of money....  I still think that he performed the best among the candidates in the debates.  Although he has put his foot in his month one time too many, he is a rare politician who can tell us like it is.

So....the buzz started yesterday.  This morning Fox sent a helicopter to Biden's house and they were talking about the value his properties.  After McCain could not remember how many houses he has, I guess Fox want to say "Hey, Biden is rich, too".

Biden has no problem telling Obama what time it is, and he knows what time it is when it comes to foreign policies.   Unlike Richardson, he did not pick side.  Biden had to be picked to mitigate Obama's perceived weakness....lack of experience.

Friday, August 22, 2008

ようこそIBM(8/22/1981) / iPhone in India

Steveが、このフル・ページ広告をWall Street Journalに載せたのは1981年8月22日。IBMが消費者向けのPCを発売開始した際のご挨拶(挑戦状)。ダビデとゴリアテ(IBM)を思い浮かべします。SeriouslyというのがSteveらしい(少しおちょくった様なニュアンス)。時代はかわり、アップルもハイドラの様に成長した。それでも、この”Seriously"を見た時、アップルのCorporate Cultureはそれほど変わってないと安心した。
そうそう、懐かしいThink Different=CM発掘。なんと、サインフェルドが出てる

Today, AAPL started selling the iPhone in 21 additional countries.  I guess India is the big one.  It is reported that 200,000 people had pre-ordered.  In India, an iPhone is being sold for more than $700 without subsidy from the operator.

I found an eloquently written article from India (Hindustan Times).   I love this sentence.

The Apple iPhone 3G in its newest avatar comes pre-loaded with impeccable pedigree, promising performance and a plenitude of publicity.

Well, in India, it is a tough call as they can buy a family car for $2300.  

Today, it was reported that 3 Russsian operators have signed contracts to sell 1.8 million iPhones per year through 2011.

According to Apple 2.0, now Apple is serving 660 million potential customers. 

Thursday, August 21, 2008

マイクロソフト−3億ドルのアンチMacキャンペーン/ Mr. Softy wants to be cool???? No that anything wrong with that....

ジェリー・サインフェルドに1千万ドル払って、CMキャンペーンを始めるという噂が流れている。サインフェルドではクールになれない。とうの昔に引退したコメディアンだし、彼の番組が終わってから、彼のジョークはイマイチ冴えない。彼のStand Upをテレビで見た時、一度も笑わなかった記憶がある。


アメリカでは、BallmerはMonkey Boyと呼ばれ、こんなビデオも登場している。

Probably you guessed what I wrote in the Japanese segment. Well, Mr. Softy wants to be cool spending $300 million and hiring Seinfeld? I admit "Seinfeld" was funny. But I remember watching his stand up without laughing at his jokes even once. Bottom line, Ballmer cannot make Mr. Softy cool.

This video says it all.

Daniel Lyons (fka Fake Steve Jobs) wrote a funny article:

He said this....

Point is, Alpo could hire Jerry Seinfeld, but it couldn’t convince the world that it was selling caviar.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

アップルと中国のナショナリズム / Songs for Tibet ー AAPL and China's heightened nationalism

オリンピックが始まった頃、iTunesで、"Songs for Tibet"というアルバムが売り出された。
Sting, Moby, John Mayer等大物が参加し、ダライ・ラマのお説教が15分入っている。40人程のオリンピアン達も、ダウンロードしたと報告されている。

Songs for Tibet - The Art of Peace

ところが、中国からiTunes Storeへのアクセスがブロックされているらしい。実は、私もこんなしっぺ返しが来るのは時間の問題だと思っていた。私は、アップルの中国進出をあまり快く思っていなかった。株主としては、中国は回避出来ないとわかっている。iPhoneの中国進出に於いても、China Mobileは高飛車が態度とり続けているのも気に入らない。最近顕著になった漢民族のナショナリズムは、チベット問題により一層拡大している。ゲームの達人Steveの中国対策、興味深い展開になりそうだ。

Songs for Tibet / AAPL and China's heightened nationalism

The album "Songs for Tibet" has been a huge hit.  It was reported that 40 Olympians have downloaded the album as a quiet protest.  Now China blocked the access to iTunes Store's US site from China.  

As an AAPL investor, I understand the success  in China is essential for AAPL's growth. However as a supporter of Dalai Lama, I am ready to say "screw China".   I don't want to see AAPL kowtowing to China.  China Mobile has been getting on my nerves with their arrogance, too.  Unfortunately, the Tibet issues is driving Han Chinese nationalism to a dangerous level.  
SJ has to play serious mental gymnastics to tackle with China.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ハリケーン・フェイ/ iPhone vs Bold


Forecasters: Floridians should prepare for hurricane

iPhone vs Bold
RIM is about to introduce its so called an "iPhone killer", Bold.

BlackBerry faithfuls are out defending theirs against the iPhone.  I understand the ease of typing on a blackberry.  But how can it compete with with the iPhone with such a small screen? 

I found this video today showing the 1 gen iPhone still beats Bold.  This guy used Wifi and compared the speed of downloading.

There is no comparison...  

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Conan, it has been a year.....

It has been a year since Conan returned to heaven.

Conan was an exceptional boy....his beauty, intelligence, and confidence.
Conan saved my life on September 11, 2001.  He let me know that it was not a good idea to go to work that morning by acting oddly if he knew what was about to happen.  

Words simply simply express my appreciation and my sorrow.  

Here's a tribute video that I made for Conan.  Ironically, I have not been able to watch it as it brings back too many memories and makes me cry.  And this video made many strangers cry.  

Conan, your presence was so powerful while you were on earth.  I still feel your presence.  I know you are watching over me.  

Saturday, August 16, 2008

マイケル・フェルプス / Fun Application-Simplify Media


彼がiPod愛用という事が話題になった。因に、彼のプレイリストは、Lil' Wayne、Jay-Z, Young Jeezy, Eminem and Outkast。


Fun App / Simplify Media

Simplify Media let you listen to your entire music collection of your MAC (yes PC, too), and stream music from up to 30 friends and view album art, lyrics, and artist bios.

Here's a video to see what it can do:  

YouTube - Simplify Media 1.0 for Mac, PC and Linux

Here's something interesting.... look at the picture below....this is a clip from "Blade Runner".  


Monday, August 11, 2008

3 million iPhone Sold in 1 month?

今朝は、Good Newsで始まった。
Fortune誌のScott Moritz(ただし、この記者今までガセが多かった)によると、iPhone 3Gの販売台数が300万台を突破。ただ、私の友達が集計しているIMEI番号によれば、400万台に近づいている。。 

また、Wall Street Journalには、SJの短いインタビューの記事が載った。内容は、APP Storeに限られていたが、オープンから1ヶ月、6000万のアプリがダウンロ−ドされ、3000万ドルの売上げ計上。例えば、”Monkey Ball"は30万のダウンロ−ドがあった。この調子なら、1億ドルのビジネスになる日もそう遠くはないだろう。

2 huge news for AAPL today.

WSJ had an brief interview with SJ on the APP Store.  SJ said 60 million apps had been downloaded and made 30 million in revenues.   "This thing's going to crest a half a billion, soon," SJ told the journal adding that it may be a "$1 billion marketplace at some point in time."

Scott Moritz of Fortune reported that AAPL had sold 3 million iPhones.  The source of this info came from Michael Cote of Cote Collaborative.  "They are seeing unprecedented demand," says Cote, adding that there appears to be no signs of a let up yet. Cote, a former T-Mobile executive, has been extremely accurate with wireless predictions in the past.  AAPL has not confirmed the figure.

SJ said their target was to sell 10 million iPhones in 2008.  
They sold 2.4 million iPhones in the first half of 2008.  They still have to sell 7.6 million.
Just meeting its target is not going to be enough for the street.  12 million would be a nice round number and probably easily done by the end of the year.

AAPL's recently regained momentum seems intact.  It gained $4 today.  

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mac is the Head of the Class



Apple has become the top supplier of notebook for the educational institutions. This is a huge jump.  Parents who could afford will be buying their children Macs for sure.

In a spring survey of college students planning to buy notebook PCs this year, 43% said they were looking to get Apple laptops. It was far and away the No. 1 brand, with almost twice the response rate of No. 2 vendor Dell, which got 22%.  Apple's turnaround with students has been phenomenal.  The Company has become a hip, cool brand due to the halo effect of its iPod line, and iPhones.  It should be also noted that the consumers are increasingly learning that Macs are durable and more reliable.

Still, AAPL is a distant No.2 to Dell in the US education PC market because of Dell's strength in desktop PCs.  In the first quarter, Dell had 38.4% of the overall market to Apple's 22.8%.  This mean Mac desktops still have a room to grow.  In recent quarters, AAPL has been outpacing the overall PC market by a wide margin.  In the June quarter, Mac unit sales rose 41% yoy compared with the industry rate of 15.3%.

Now, AAPL has implied that it will go after more market share.  Does that mean they will go after those who were not traditionally their target customers by lowering prices of MacBooks and iMacs?  Some old school Mac fans don't like that idea...  Some investors don't like that idea because it will have a negative impact on gross margin....

AAPL seems to get its groove back last week gaining about $10.  Will this momentum continue?  Will it break out of $170 next week?  Next week is an option expiry week.  It will be heavily manipulated.  Max pain of AAPL is at 160, and interestingly QQQQ's max pain is at 45 (more than 5% below the current price).  Would the market makers use AAPL to take down QQQQ like they did last month?   

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The First 1 million iPhone 3G by countries/iPhone 3G 日本の売上げ台数2位

iDayからもうすぐ1ヶ月。私達の予想では、全世界で既に300万台は突破していると思う。アメリカでは、現在でも列が出来ている。発売後3日で最初の百万台が売れた。投資銀行の横綱、Goldman Sachsによれば、日本での発売台数は全体の7%であり2位。然し乍ら、人口対販売数という観点では見劣りする。ソフトバンクの料金値下げがどれだけ貢献するか楽しみ。


Goldman released the breakdown of the first 1 million 3G iPhones sales by countries.  I am confident that more than 3 million iphones have been sold since the iDay.  Interesting to see that Japan is #2 in the list.  Mr. Son of Softbank must be so proud.  Since Softbank has reduced the data price charge dramatically, it will be interesting see if it will help Softbank to sell more iPhones.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Apple's Cash


じゃあ、こんなに現金もってどうするの? 毎四半期に10億から30億ドルのキャッシュが積み上がる。アップルには借金もないし、究極的には株主のものである。アップルは自社株買い戻しや、配当で株主のご機嫌とる様な事は絶対してくれない。それじゃ、どこかの会社を買収? 色々考えたが良い候補は見つからない。小さい、ニッチな会社を釣り銭程度で買っているのが現状。アップルの現金の運用は大変コンサバであり、せいぜい3%ぐらいが関の山。
その上、現在の株価にこの莫大な現金が反映されていない(Cash per share = $23)。


Piperの名物アナリスト、 Gene Munsterによると9月にMacBookとiPodの新モデルをフィーチャーしたイベントがあるという。MacBookもそろそろ衣替えが必要な頃。彼によると、iPod Touchも最低価格$199になるという。

Steve Jobs Dollar Bill

Apples Cash = $21 Billion as of 6/30, and growing fast.

And the cash is just lying dormant, collecting merely 3% in interest? Cash per share is about $23, which is not reflected in the recent stock price of AAPL.  When I communicated with the AAPL IR person, she told don't hide... but it is not seen by many investors.  Free cashflow is growing more than 50% yoy.  Due to the subscription accounting for iPhones and ATV, the income statements do not show how well AAPL is doing.  Cash is hiding in the cashflow statement and balance sheet.  Traders are not smart enough to see it.  Quant funds only look at EPS and PEG, and decide what to do with it for next 30 seconds....

AAPL will not repurchase its own stocks or start paying dividends.  It is not AAPL"s style...confidence mixed with arrogance.  I don't wish to see AAPL buying a big tech company spending that cash.  I cannot think of a single company that can bring "synergies" to AAPL.  
Realistically speaking, AAPL would need only $5 billion in cash.  AAPL's huge cash position remains the biggest mystery...

It looks like AAPL is getting its groove back.  It jumped about $10 in 2 days.
In addition, they started to disclose the next countries to jump on the iPhone bandwagon later this month.  India, the Eastern block of Europe, and many Latin American countries.  

Monday, August 4, 2008

ダライ・ラマ/Dalai Lama-Think Different

週末にCNNで"Buddha's Warrior"と題し、最近チベットやミャンマーの僧が、今までの平和的解決に見切りを付け、プロアクティブになっている傾向をレポートした。


でも、武器はどうするの? 現実的に考えれば、今は自治と文化の保存が先決で、感情に流されてはいけないと訴える。彼も辛い立場だ。国際的な支援を受ける為には、このストラテジーしかないのだろう。中国の卑劣な少数民族弾圧は、チベットのみではない。イスラム教徒の多い、新僵ウイグル自治区では漢民族による弾圧に対し、”聖戦”を旗印に捨て身で攻撃に出ている一部の過激派が最近顕著である。中国は現状、迷信は異常に信じるが宗教は認めず、お金が神様。欧米でも中国製品をボイコットしている人も少なくない。



"Buddha's Warrior" was aired last weekend by CNN.   It was about Buddhist monks increasingly fed up with the current oppression by China and Myanmar.  

Some Tibetan monks and activists are not listening to Dalai Lama's peaceful solution any more.  Dalai Lama is a realist.  He is only seeking to obtain autonomy and freedom of religion for Tibet.   He said, "Chinese government is committing cultural genocide in Tibet' and he kind of giggled.  It was painful to see.  He is angry, but he knows anger and emotion will not solve the current brutal situation caused by China.  He understands why many Tibetans are getting inpatient...but he said "how do we get weapons?".  He does not want to see his people die any more (unofficially, 1/3 of Tibetans were killed).  He wants to preserve their ancient culture, and keep hope alive...he may get autonomy, which may lead to eventual Independence in the future.

We should not forget that it is not only Tibetans that are suffering from Chinese oppression.  Muslims constitute about 1.5% of Chinese population.  They are also severely oppressed by the government especially in East Turkestan.  However, they do not get attention because they are after all Muslims.  They do not have a leader like Dalai Lama, either.  

Many Americans and Europeans boycott Chinese products because of their human right issues.  I would like to participate in such, however, Apple products are assembled in China.   Can SJ tell Hon Hai to move the assembly facility to Vietnam or India?  Think Different, SJ.   After seeing China Mobile bulling AAPL, I am not enthused about Chinese using beautiful iPhones.  You can sell at least 12 million iPhones this year without China.  

Despite the good news, AAPL was down more than 2%.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

生意気なジェイソンの話/iPhone Nano in Christmas?





クリスマスにiPhone nanoが出るという噂。イギリスから出た噂で、150ポンドぐらいで売られ、契約なし(pay as you go).  これだけ小さいと、機能は限られるし、タッチスクリーンも楽しめない。多分ガセだと思う。
iPhone nano Coming in Time for Christmas

Another rumor.....iPhone nano coming for Christmas???
According to Daily Mall, the product will be launched in the UK at up to £150 for pay-as-you-go customers by O2. The nano will be half he size and have all the features of a standard iPhone, however, without the full internet browsing functionality. The nano version will likely end up having a touch wheel interface at the back of the phone, which will allow users to dial numbers from behind....all these info coming from unnamed sources (O2 insiders). I think this one sound questionable.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Obama was in Plant City yesterday

そう、オバマがうちから車で10分のPlant Cityのファーマーズ・マーケットに来たらしい。

Plant Cityは、アメリカの苺キャピタルと呼ばれている。報道陣に名物の苺シェイクを御馳走したそうだ。




アップルの話題。昨日iPhone 3Gを買った人のIMEI番号によると、どうやら260万台以上売れている可能性あり。大統領選とアップルといえば、マケインはMacとiPhone、オバマはMacとblackberryを愛用しているそうだ。

Obama was in Plant City

Obama was in Plant City, the strawberry capital of USA, only 10 min. drive from here.
He visited the local farmers' market (see the pictures above).

I am kicking myself for not going there. I am not an Obama supporter, but McCain has no chance for my support. I am comfortable with Obama's knowledge on foreign issues (after watching his interview with Fareed Zakaria), however, I feel that Obama is very weak on economy.

Since I have been actively sending mails to SEC, Senators, and Congressmen concerning Naked Short Selling, the Uptick Rule, and rogue hedge funds (spread baseless rumors, manipulation etc.), I could have wrote a nice letter to Obama on these issues and hand it to him. I know his biggest contributor is Goldman Sachs. I remember, the day he first commented on "oil speculators", the oil price started coming down I value Obama's intelligence and charisma, but he is still a politician working for his biggest contributors.

Friday, August 1, 2008

和菓子/About SJ


なんと、あんこがあまり好きでないということなので、この大量の粒あん, 私が食べるしかない。




App Storeで売っているアプリが1000を超えたそうだ。いちいち新しいのを探すのも大変。便利なサイトを見付けた。リンクはここ

About thoughts

Since WWDC, media went wild speculating SJ's health.   I am not going to get into details here.  
As we know, he is a cancer survivor.  
As SJ looked very thin, many did not hesitate to say that "cancer has returned" Henry Blodget.  They demanded AAPL to update SJ's health situation, and disclose its succession plan.
About one week after WWDC, this rumor kind of died down.

On the ER day, hedge funds that were shorting AAPL revived this rumor, and NY Post carried it.  On the conference call, the CFO basically said "SJ's health is a private matter", then the stock plunged.  In my opinion, the CFO needed to improve his communication skill on this.

Then, the rumor blew up and hundreds of articles were written about SJ's health questioning AAPL's silence.   Then, SJ's friends told NY Times that he had a surgical procedure to deal with his weight loss issue and he had been cancer free.  And SJ called Joe Nocera (NYT) to basically confirm what his friends said. 

This week, media has been quiet about SJ's health.   AAPL has maintained silence.  I supported AAPL's decision not respond to such a rumor, while many did not.  I did not enjoy watching AAPL stock price taken down based on such uncertainty, however, I believed that AAPL did not have to say anything unless SJ's condition was material.  

Now that hedge funds cannot naked short financial institutions and they will look for anything to spark fear.   They used SJ"s weight loss to naked short AAPL.  Yes, damage has been done.  But AAPL's fundamental has not changed a bit.  Much ado about nothing.....