Monday, December 22, 2008

ブッシュのEconomic Stimulus

少し前、イラクでの記者会見で、イラク人のレポーターがブッシュに靴を投げつけた事件があったが、なんとその靴を製造したトルコの会社が30万足のオーダーを受けた。新たに100人の新規採用、ヨーロッパの会社からも契約の話あり。この靴、"Bush Shoes"か”Bye bye Bush"と名付けられるらしい。

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - DECEMBER 22:   Ramazan Baydan, owner of the Baydan Shoe Company in Istanbul holds a newly produced copy of the shoe that was thrown at President Bush, at the factory on December 22, 2008 in Istanbul, Turkey. The shoe company that produces the brand of footware thrown by the journalist, during a press conference in Iraq, has seen a surge in orders in the past week. Ramazan Baydan, owner of the shoe factory in Istanbul, said he had received orders for some 300,000 pairs of the model that was hurled at Bush. According to Baydan he has had inquiries from the US for distribution rights. The entrepreneur wants to rename the model, a brown leather shoe with a thick sole, as the Bush shoes. In Turkey the shoes sell for 42 US dollars wholesale. From Getty Images.

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